Tuesday 17 September 2013

Andrew Goodwin Research 4

4. The demands from the Record Label will include a visual style
Music Videos are essentially promotional devices, they were mainly created to sell the artist to the audience.In addition to this, they show the 'brand' image the artist would like to give. Ultimately they are commercialised to show and sell the star to the target audience.

In Miley Cyrus' video 'We Can't Stop' she is supporting a well known brand that her target audience would be aware of. By doing this she is showing she has a similar view to her target audience.

The main idea of this video is based on EXACTLY what the target audience are interested in. Miley's audience consist of mostly teenage girls, from the age of 12 onwards; this is also the age of the majority of people that use the online blog 'Tumblr'. It is clear to see the connection between this video and the popular images found on Tumblr, the use of fashion and partying is a big deal for the target audience.

There are certain elements or motifs that occur in a lot of Miley's recent videos. This creates an image of the artist and essentially represents them as a brand that would attract their target audience. Miley Cyrus has become quite a controversial artist, however this appeals greatly to her audience as they consist of teenagers which are likely to have a rebellious attitude also.

Record companies will usually choose to include a large amount of close up/extreme close ups of the artists so that the audience can identify them. This just enables the artist's image to become more well known and essentially provides both the record company and artist with more advertising potential.

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